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FEATURE - drink liquid pools and specific other things off the floor

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:00 pm
by ReginaldHJ
if you are laying down on the ground you should be able to slurp up any fluid pools within 1 tile by clicking them. this also counts for, say, barf and blood stains. anything you can click on with a beaker or glass and scoop stuff from.

let someone lay down on the bar floor and start slurping everything up.

semi-related, if you click on a thing with a filled but not full glass/beaker, you should have the option to scoop up more or dump, instead of just dumping the existing contents immediately. it's annoying, trying to get the full 30/50 units if all the pools are like, 10, and you gotta dump and scoop again before it spreads out. ridiculous