what's the worst traitor item

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what's the worst traitor item

Post by warc »

what's the one thing on your uplink you're never clicking.

trash tier items thread.
defend your faves, no flaming, but also the katana is a turd and you're bad if you like it.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by Camryn »

The revolver because it doesn't stun like the shotgun, its ammo can't be mass produced, and it's more expensive than the silenced .22
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by Stardust☆ »

DNA Scrambler. If i fuck up bad enough to need a new identity, i didn't crime well enough.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by BatElite »

Geneticist speed injector is the worst IMO. Questionable stealthiness aside, having to research injectors *and* making an injector for every single use just makes it unwieldy and take like 20m to get use out of. You're better off locking someone into your gene pod, at least that starts a commotion.

Some other trash-tier items:

-cloaking field generator (I love it but it's shit)
-wiretap upgrade just doesn't have a niche
-funny-looking revolver isn't bad but it's probably doomed in the age of modular gunse
-IDK the rake is a good joke but
-Bowling kit
-Cursed clown mask
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by warc »

largely agreeing with the majority of these so far.

Camryn wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:57 pm The revolver because it doesn't stun like the shotgun, its ammo can't be mass produced, and it's more expensive than the silenced .22
just in case, do you mean the old revolver (replaced) or the current one which is just a beefed up version of the modular italian that the detective gets, with more ammo? (which is purchaseable)
BatElite wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:31 am Some other trash-tier items:
-funny-looking revolver isn't bad but it's probably doomed in the age of modular gunse
could probably make this into a module-compatible thing, make it look like a sec-issue pistol but with an invisible accessory that makes it backward-fire. An enterprising clown could take it apart and slip it into a more attractive weapon for a bigger laugh.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by Camryn »

warc wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:09 pm largely agreeing with the majority of these so far.

Camryn wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:57 pm The revolver because it doesn't stun like the shotgun, its ammo can't be mass produced, and it's more expensive than the silenced .22
just in case, do you mean the old revolver (replaced) or the current one which is just a beefed up version of the modular italian that the detective gets, with more ammo? (which is purchaseable)
BatElite wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:31 am Some other trash-tier items:
-funny-looking revolver isn't bad but it's probably doomed in the age of modular gunse
could probably make this into a module-compatible thing, make it look like a sec-issue pistol but with an invisible accessory that makes it backward-fire. An enterprising clown could take it apart and slip it into a more attractive weapon for a bigger laugh.
Both, I think.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by eagletanker »

Camryn wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:57 pm The revolver because it doesn't stun like the shotgun, its ammo can't be mass produced, and it's more expensive than the silenced .22
Im going to defend the revolver here, but it's actually pretty good as a self defense weapon. It's not offensive like the Shotgun or the 22, but it's damage is high and the ammo helps greatly when going up against secoffs, while being a bit easier to keep hidden with. It's not the best, but rather a good middle ground when you need something to keep you safe. It also can use the Det gun ammo.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by eagletanker »

On items that could be axed.

Agent Card should really really be something you spawn with considering how important it is to do anything as a traitor with some modicum of stealth.

Garrote wire runs into the problem of being something that you have to be in CQC in a isolated place to use, and takes way to long to kill someone with. At that point, it's easier and more stealthy to use any of the other traitor weapons, with the exception of the rad crossbow.

Camo Jumpsuit needs to be a whole set of items. I don't think I've ever seen anyone pay attention to what jumpsuit someone is wearing.

Trick Cigs are too gimmicky to be useful most of the time beyond looking cool. Suggest making KARL sell these.

Sponge Capsules are fun but the animals in them are usually pretty weak for 3 TC the most part. Suggest either moving them to KARL or buffing the critters.

SoundDreams Cart just plays sounds. Sure, they are sounds, but for the most part your not gonna get away from where you played the sounds before someone spots you. Suggest moving this to KARL.

Power Gloves are powerful, sure, but they FUCKING SUCK 99% of the time. You need to be standing on a wire that's connected to the engine (Which means Hotwire, so people are fucking around the engine and can end your power gloves really fast), your target can't be insulated, and you need quite a lot of power, which means you also need to be babysitting the engine for a good chunk of the round and also during your rampage. These suck and I wish they either didn't or they were replaced with something actually cool for engies and the CE to use.

I'm not sure what the purpose of the Safari kit is. It's funny from the perspective of over the top Britishness while hunting down the captain, but I don't think it comes with anything other than a Pith helmet, safari clothes, and a boomerang. If this stays, give the set a OHR. Also, It's extremely fucked up! Just with the Pith Helmet, there's a bunch of really fucked up history that revolves around it and what it symbolizes, and I'll let the AHA explain it further. (https://www.historians.org/research-and ... ith-helmet)

Syndie Donks could be for everyone rather than just the Chef, considering how much the donk is associated with traitors.

.38 AP is something I think should return, just adapted for the new guns. Less damage overall but better against armor would be useful for traitors.

Portapuke sucks to play against! I dont want to vomit myself into nothingness while I sit there unable to ghost for the very very unfunny and revolting 2-2.5 minutes.

Barrel of Monkeys is pretty obvious and expensive for what it actually can do (i.e. last time I used this, not much beyond a minor "Oh cool free loot"

The Egun upgrade kit needs to be changed or removed to reflect the switch to Gunz.

The eject-able Telecrystals. Never seen anyone use these.

Now two things to readd/defend

The Katana is actually really really good in the right hands. Number keys allow you to literally disarm someone in a flash. It could be improved by giving it a bit more brute damage or reducing it's TC cost, but it's not a bad little weapon, if a little loud. If it does get readded, I think the Captain should get their sword back so you can have sword fights. En Garde!

Football Kit gives you a good set of armor and the rush, which stuns and goes through people. It's pretty useful for fighting security, and it's cost is balanced well. Not sure why this was removed.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by warc »

eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:23 am
Camryn wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:57 pm Some Stuff
It also can use the Det gun ammo.
Unfortunately that's only true in the sense that all those guns share ammo- the revolver's been replaced with its modular counterpart, so please judge the current implementation separately from the old one.

eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am On items that could be axed.
Agent Card should really really be something you spawn with considering how important it is to do anything as a traitor with some modicum of stealth.
Not sure I agree but it could be interesting- the counterargument is that it's a liability to start with *anything* that gives away your status, obviously.
eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am Sponge Capsules are fun but the animals in them are usually pretty weak for 3 TC the most part. Suggest either moving them to KARL or buffing the critters.

SoundDreams Cart just plays sounds. Sure, they are sounds, but for the most part your not gonna get away from where you played the sounds before someone spots you. Suggest moving this to KARL.
yeah pretty much agree here, they suck and shouldn't be taking space in the uplink.

eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am I'm not sure what the purpose of the Safari kit is. It's funny from the perspective of over the top Britishness while hunting down the captain, but I don't think it comes with anything other than a Pith helmet, safari clothes, and a boomerang. If this stays, give the set a OHR. Also, It's extremely fucked up! Just with the Pith Helmet, there's a bunch of really fucked up history that revolves around it and what it symbolizes, and I'll let the AHA explain it further. (https://www.historians.org/research-and ... ith-helmet)

bigtime agree, to the point that i'll have already removed this by the time you read this reply. not-negociable.

eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am .38 AP is something I think should return, just adapted for the new guns. Less damage overall but better against armor would be useful for traitors.
pretty easy, and I agree
eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am Portapuke sucks to play against! I dont want to vomit myself into nothingness while I sit there unable to ghost for the very very unfunny and revolting 2-2.5 minutes.
eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am The Katana is actually really really good in the right hands. Number keys allow you to literally disarm someone in a flash. It could be improved by giving it a bit more brute damage or reducing it's TC cost, but it's not a bad little weapon, if a little loud. If it does get readded, I think the Captain should get their sword back so you can have sword fights. En Garde!
to me it feels like something that should be a skin or a medal reward for the csaber, just because it's so damned out of place in the universe, and its effects are so batshit *anime* it gives me sugar coma.
eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am Football Kit gives you a good set of armor and the rush, which stuns and goes through people. It's pretty useful for fighting security, and it's cost is balanced well. Not sure why this was removed.
This was one of those extremely one-note rampage items that either depopulates or fizzles within 60 seconds, it's not the best for *interesting* rounds but imo is fun when it shows up at random. It should probably be a reward drop for some sort of Boss.
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Re: what's the worst traitor item

Post by chevrotain »

eagletanker wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:00 am SoundDreams Cart just plays sounds. Sure, they are sounds, but for the most part your not gonna get away from where you played the sounds before someone spots you. Suggest moving this to KARL.
the greasers in the robotics lab should also be able to install this as a borg module because there always needs to be more noise on the station

sound synthesizer (lawful evil) and sound synthesizer (chaotic evil)
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