FEATURE - Zamboni Improvement

A place where coders will post ideas, with parameters that you can implement. Some might have cash rewards if they're bad enough.
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FEATURE - Zamboni Improvement

Post by warc »

This one's pretty open ended.

Basically, let's make the Zamboni 5000 modifiable.
The total specifics are up to you, but having swappable parts of various materials (lets say you can make these in a manufacturer? Wheels, Brushes, Tanks,- Reuse existing /obj/ if you can and just expand their traits) - Maybe put a pod engine in there. Hell maybe use all pod parts?
I don't have a specific way to get this done.
Attributes of the zamboni that might be interesting to improve are capacity, speed, and maybe brush-wise we got different kinds that do different stuff?
- one that sucks up fluids faster than normal (look at drain code)
- one that picks up cleanables but not graffiti (good for murals)
- one that does exactly the opposite of what you'd expect (get tricky about it)
- one that kills people (im spitballing!!)

tldr: make the zamboni more interesting so we can remove the less-engaging options like the Tsunami Bottle.
finally a signature htat doesnt wipe
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Re: FEATURE - Zamboni Improvement

Post by BatElite »

Some more ideas:

-floortile laying (+ stripping?) module
-minelaying module for traitors (maybe speed up the thing if you do)

Also add it to the PDA mop finder people keep stealing fucking thing from me
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